Saturday, July 30, 2011

Aang I love you so!

aAbout two days ago I found out about this warehouse from The Last Airbender by director M. Night Shyamalan full of the movies props that was just sold. And a women I work with boyfriend's friend has just bought it and and opened up a pre-sale for just the employees. Ummm I was not only so excited I nearly fell off my chair when I heard the news. I'm a huge fan of Avatar, the cartoon and the movie was pretty cool. It was a chance of a lifetime and I saw some amazing things. Here are some pics of the rad cool space!

crazy lamps!

Jars, pots, shells, scrolls, wooden boxes, mystery room

Bones!! So cool!

I want them all!

Appa! He is a flying Bison


The fire nation boats

This is all the stuff I bought. (not the chair...I got that for $24 at an urban sample sale) I'm so happy to have these special pieces! Yep that's a bow, quiver and arrow!

cool pages

A replica of an ancient calculator

a replica of an ancient Astrological brass Islamic Globe Armilliary Spere
 used to navigate the sky's, time and date

Old maps and scrolls with paintings

It was so cool. I still can't get over the stuff in there!

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