Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday! I hope you have a good weekend.

Here is some coolio stuff I've been working on today.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Don't for get to take the little man off

This passed weekend we went camping at my friends Jaz's place in Spring brook Pa. It was a beautiful ride out there and an even more amazing camping spot. It rained the 2nd day/night and it was colder than I expected. Silly me I packed all these cute shirts and shorts thinking it was going to be hot. Despite the cold and wind it still was an awesome time with awesome friends! Luna was such a good pup..she even had a great time playing with Jaz's pup, Reese. Sitting by the camp fire was so relaxing. I can't wait to go back!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

so many rainbows its hard to see

So I've been kinda off in crazy land lately.....I have so much on my mind and for a while it was just a big blur but today its starting to turn to rainbows. Finally I can think clearly and make my dreams come true.